Careermine is the leading platform for jobseekers in the mining industry looking to find their dream job and interact with companies and recruiters who are hiring. Careermine is perfect for both graduates breaking into the industry, as well as those already working in mining who want to advance their career and discover new opportunities.
Our job board hosts thousands of career opportunities from across the mining industry. Browse relevant categories, search for specific keywords, or set up alerts to find out when new opportunities become available. Careermine’s job board is the most comprehensive listing of mining jobs anywhere!
Create a profile in less than five minutes and get discovered by recruiters. Spend less time searching and applying for jobs you don’t want, and let recruiters come to you with exciting roles that advance your career.
Position your credentials in front of recruiters actively seeking talent for the world’s largest and most dynamic mining employers and find your next role without actively seeking out a new job. You can tailor your profile to attract the roles and employment situations that are right for you.
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